Yes this is the time I have been on bench. For those who may interpret this statement in a rather literal manner, let me clarify. Bench period is the time when you are in a company ( software company like mind-Infosys) and you have no project, no work to do. You are not answerable to anyone, no pakka time to come to office, no time to leave. No internet. But I am expected to be present in office so that by month end I do get my monthly pay-checque. At least spending 7-8 hrs in office with swipe-IN and swip-OUT daily. This makes sure that I need to be in office for that much time. This becomes fuckin boring and frustrating when you realize you are wasting your life. So I expect, ooopz leeme put it this way, I demand the following things with immediate effect. - A good opportunity abroad.
- Family settled.
- A sweet n understanding Girl Friend.
- An new video 80GB iPod.
- A good dance partner for me to Salsa n Rumba.
Okie also following are the list of stuff I need in some time to come:
- A sexy comp. May be a high end workstation kinds.
- Flat in Noida.
- My Safari, ma car.
- A super home theatre with a overhead projector.
Well this is the phase in my life where uncertainity levels are at the apex and I am just stting and waiting for things to shape up in my life. And a feeling inside me says things are going to take dramatic change for good may be this time. Hmmm all I need to do is just wait and watch. This bench period is seriously taking out my capability to work. Hope it dosen't go for long. But looking at thepositive front of the whole story, I have ample time to devote to my dance and my studies. Just need to work out my plan to give GMAT. This is posibally the better time to prepare for GMAT and interviews. So go for it Monty. I have had a Dillli trip already, and the second one is in the pipeline. Talking about the Delhi trip, it was lot of exposure to NCR. I had zeroed down to places where I would be comfortable settling down in my near future. I must say Pune is a very easy place to Live n Exist, but Dilli being my home town offers much more in every sence, the good, the bad and the ugly. The people their have a mind of their own. But may be that is the case everywhere else. Still living in so many cities have give me a brilliant opportunity to explore and understand people, places, culture and humaness that exist everywhere. Keeping it simple life is long but our memories are small. People need something/someone to hold on, an undying faith that is going to help in crossing the big hurdle called LIFE.
Hello Friends,
Just a small mail describing you my trip to GMRT(Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope).
Its located about 90km north of Pune on Pune-Nasik highway, near a place called Narayangaon, a beautiful place. It has 30 gigantic dishes of 45m diameter spread across 25Km. A lovely place to be and the best part being no mobile phones allowed (no network hehehe). This is because these antennas operate in the frequency range of 50 to 1500MHz and most of the cell phones operate in the range at 900MHz or 1800MHZ range.
The day we went to GMRT, few scientists were observing the Sun's Solar flares and co-ordinating with a facility in France, which at that time experienced sunrise. They translated the data gathered, using Fourier Series(a known term that must have haunted the electronics ppl) into something I couldn't get a head or tail of it. But looked interesting.

This is what made us travel 90km. You just need to stand under one of these to admire it.
A look at the Antenna at twilight
For more info check out -->
Special thanx to the person who made this trip possible.

~~ Slavery isn't dead~~
~~ We just stopped recognizing it~~
~~ Since when have we agreed to alwayz being watched~~
~~ Our lifez no more our own~~
~~ The only one stopping 'You' from going on is 'You'~~
~~ It takes little to 'Reclaim your Life'~~
These are the Lyrics from the new Tata Safari commertial on air these days. This commertial might go un-noticed by few, but it does potray a paradoxial world to which we are heading. Looking closeley at each line, it simply showz you, your real self in this world. We are slaves to this corporate culture and the new age technology. The first thing we can do about it is by accepting this fact. Then does your concious still allow to just go with the flow? Like the optimizm shown in the last line. I would say - Get Up. Go for what you really like. When I was a kid, I wanted to do so many things. I had interests. I had a choice. I had likes and dislikes. Where are they now? Right there deep inside lying dormant. It can't fade away am sure. But being in a society you are bound to go by it. Earn your living. Work, work n work. Is there any limit to it? Its time to draw a line. Giveat atleast some time to yourself. What you always wanted to do? If you miss out this chance, you might not get another.
Juz one an ending note -----
"When I was small, my mom always avoided me consuming lot of choclates. I used to think, when I will grow up and when I will have money of my own I will buy lots of choclates and EAT them." ~~~~ This is the time to Go, Get and Eat those choclates.
Well it stated long back. I can't even recall when. I juz happen to be pretty much inclined towards the idea of NOT having the so called in your religion. And so I found it in Buddhism. Well the total concept and philosophy of the religion is pretty appealing to me. It talks about, as I remember in my history books, 'Silence about the existance of god'. Neat enough. Even Gautama Buddha is not considered a God or any incarnations if God. It teaches us a way to live. The ideologies in life that can lead us to attain Enlightenment. Ooopz a big word - enlightenment. Hmmmm its supposedly the attainment of complete divine knowledge. After which the mind, the soul and the spirit attains calmness.
Then comes what is called the Four Noble Truths. Seriously this stuff looks simple but presenting it this way by Buddha was brilliant. Simply putting it it tells the presence of sufferings in the world and how to get rid of them. Wouldn say that is the best way to deal with suffereings - that by removing the cause, in this case 'Craving' or 'Exceptations'. Well this is just one place where I differ with buddhism a little bit. Thats what makes us human and has helped in achieving and developing into a better society (although there can be a debate on this too). If we give up craving or exceptations, is it saying giving your dreams off, turning into mere feelingless beings. ----- All this sounds ironical from a person with a firm belief in Buddhism. But ya this is still one open issue for me . Still in search for an answer.
Where Mind and each believing mind are not divided,
And undivided are each believing mind and Mind,
This is where words fail,
For it is not of the past, present, and future.
~~Zen Stuff ~~
"What life can compare with this?--Sitting alone quietly by the window,I observe the leaves fall, the flowers bloom as the seasons come%2

I want to start this journey of the "Tear Drop" with an amazing site created by this chap called Thomas Knierim.
You would simply fell in love with its Home page. Simple yet so appealing. And as you alwayz know I love Black n White. This site talks about Philosophy, not the boring kinds, but with a very mature understanding. It talks about Science, Religion, Mythology with a different alltogether. Do check it out and you would love the beauty of the site and its content.
This is a B&W pic of Lord Buddha. I know I am biased towards him in future too I would assure you only get to see B&W pix.
Tear Drop ---- Jet Set Goooo...