It Takes Little To Reclaim Your Life ..

~~ Slavery isn't dead~~
~~ We just stopped recognizing it~~
~~ Since when have we agreed to alwayz being watched~~
~~ Our lifez no more our own~~
~~ The only one stopping 'You' from going on is 'You'~~
~~ It takes little to 'Reclaim your Life'~~
These are the Lyrics from the new Tata Safari commertial on air these days. This commertial might go un-noticed by few, but it does potray a paradoxial world to which we are heading. Looking closeley at each line, it simply showz you, your real self in this world. We are slaves to this corporate culture and the new age technology. The first thing we can do about it is by accepting this fact. Then does your concious still allow to just go with the flow? Like the optimizm shown in the last line. I would say - Get Up. Go for what you really like. When I was a kid, I wanted to do so many things. I had interests. I had a choice. I had likes and dislikes. Where are they now? Right there deep inside lying dormant. It can't fade away am sure. But being in a society you are bound to go by it. Earn your living. Work, work n work. Is there any limit to it? Its time to draw a line. Giveat atleast some time to yourself. What you always wanted to do? If you miss out this chance, you might not get another.
Juz one an ending note -----
"When I was small, my mom always avoided me consuming lot of choclates. I used to think, when I will grow up and when I will have money of my own I will buy lots of choclates and EAT them." ~~~~ This is the time to Go, Get and Eat those choclates.
"The only one stopping from 'YOU' is 'YOU' ".
This line is probably the essence of all philosophies. Three cheers to the person who conceptualized the TATA Safari commercial and in the course of doing so encapsulated the essence of all Vedas.
I guess even when Gautam Buddha was meditating under the Banyan tree - he was doing nothing but trying to STOP HIMSELF FROM STOPPING HIMSELF - he was doing nothing but RECLAIMING HIS LIFE!
And reclaiming your life is what Swami Vivekananda has preached throughout.
But I guess the complete process of first Realising this implicit irony of everyday life, then accepting that you yourself are one caught in this irony and finally attempting to STOP YOURSELF FROM STOPPING YOURSELF; requires a lot of courage and this courage is what transforms you from:
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