The Inclination ..

Well the total concept and philosophy of the religion is pretty appealing to me. It talks about, as I remember in my history books, 'Silence about the existance of god'. Neat enough. Even Gautama Buddha is not considered a God or any incarnations if God. It teaches us a way to live. The ideologies in life that can lead us to attain Enlightenment. Ooopz a big word - enlightenment. Hmmmm its supposedly the attainment of complete divine knowledge. After which the mind, the soul and the spirit attains calmness.
Then comes what is called the Four Noble Truths. Seriously this stuff looks simple but presenting it this way by Buddha was brilliant. Simply putting it it tells the presence of sufferings in the world and how to get rid of them. Wouldn say that is the best way to deal with suffereings - that by removing the cause, in this case 'Craving' or 'Exceptations'. Well this is just one place where I differ with buddhism a little bit. Thats what makes us human and has helped in achieving and developing into a better society (although there can be a debate on this too). If we give up craving or exceptations, is it saying giving your dreams off, turning into mere feelingless beings. ----- All this sounds ironical from a person with a firm belief in Buddhism. But ya this is still one open issue for me . Still in search for an answer.
Where Mind and each believing mind are not divided,
And undivided are each believing mind and Mind,
This is where words fail,
For it is not of the past, present, and future.
~~Zen Stuff ~~
"What life can compare with this?--Sitting alone quietly by the window,I observe the leaves fall, the flowers bloom as the seasons come%2
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