A trip to GMRT.(Saturday 18th, 2005)
Hello Friends,
Just a small mail describing you my trip to GMRT(Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope).
Its located about 90km north of Pune on Pune-Nasik highway, near a place called Narayangaon, a beautiful place. It has 30 gigantic dishes of 45m diameter spread across 25Km. A lovely place to be and the best part being no mobile phones allowed (no network hehehe). This is because these antennas operate in the frequency range of 50 to 1500MHz and most of the cell phones operate in the range at 900MHz or 1800MHZ range.
The day we went to GMRT, few scientists were observing the Sun's Solar flares and co-ordinating with a facility in
This is what made us travel 90km. You just need to stand under one of these to admire it.

A look at the Antenna at twilight
For more info check out --> http://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/ncra_hpage/gmrt/Abt_gmrt.html
Special thanx to the person who made this trip possible.
Good for people to know.
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